You read it correctly.
Today is my last day as a blogger in this particular space.
Why? Well..I'm so glad you asked. When I began this blog five years ago ('ll be 5 years here shortly), I dreamed that it would be an oasis. An oasis of resources for those who, like me, wanted to live a fabulous life on a budget. And it was that...for a while. I was a bit ahead of the curve with recessionary blogging because...well...I was broke BEFORE the economy officially tanked. It was always my goal to bring a fresh voice to the blogosphere and, for a while, I believe I was successful. Fast forward to now and I feel that I'm a Broke Socialite who has lost her the blogosphere. I began to feel myself conforming and doing what other bloggers do. Read: my KRYPTONITE. I've become far too comfortable (and sometimes lazy...ouch! Those were my toes...) and that simply is not my style.
The good news is that there is a plan in place. I have been fortunate enough, with my blog as a platform, to build a brand. Isn't that what most of us want to do? Build brands. Make a living. (See the Blackberry commercial below...) I believe the practice of blogging has evolved and I want to be on the front lines of the next wave. Social media is personal to me and I think that I've just the voice to usher more change for us all.
What I most want NOT to be is the socialite who overstayed her welcome...*clutches virtual pearls* You know the one: sloshing around full of martinis, stumbling over couches, speaking loudly etc. It's not a good look. Virtually or otherwise. Yikes.
I am grateful for your support. Every comment. Every post. (Lurkers, y'all too:-))
It's time for me to "Exit. Stage Left." from The Broke Socialite as you know her.
I'm NEVER the last one to leave a party but I'll start one in the blink of an eye.
Stay tuned.
I love you all and I leave you with my personal anthem! Dance with me, won't you?
February 11, 2011
February 8, 2011
Blackberry Highlights Food Bloggers
I was watching the pilot for The Chicago Code last night when a Blackberry App World commercial ad. Never have I seen such an influential brand highlight the importance/reality of blogging. Take a gander at the clip below.
I must say that it gave me chills.
Don't get me wrong...I think these "food bloggers" are supposed to be Every Blogger. I'm OK with that for now. What do I love? It further confirms that lifestyle blogging is a real job. The world is taking notice...
I must say that it gave me chills.
Don't get me wrong...I think these "food bloggers" are supposed to be Every Blogger. I'm OK with that for now. What do I love? It further confirms that lifestyle blogging is a real job. The world is taking notice...
February 7, 2011
Modern Manners Monday: What Would You Do?
You are a working mom to eight year old twins.
Your next door neighbor has a daughter in their class. You've been paying for aftercare and are OK with doing so. One day, your neighbor approaches you and offers to let your kids get off of the bus at her house. After all, she's a stay-at-home mom and will be there when they get home. It seems like a great idea. You've known their family for a few years and couldn't be more comfortable.
After staying there a couple of weeks, your children approach you with trepidation in their eyes and spill it: your neighbor is usually reeking of alcohol when they arrive and eventually passes out after she serves Ants On A Log.
What would YOU do?
February 2, 2011
Healthy Superbowl Fare? Oxymoron?
My friend, Brady, posted this video of Bethenney Frankel's dishing about a healthy Super Bowl spread. Dare I say this all sounds pretty good?
What's on YOUR Super Bowl Menu?
February 1, 2011
Drumrolls, Please....And The Winner Is:
Enter a number:
The 54th valid entry was @sstanback's Twitter entry. Congratulations! You've won the coffee brewer from The Foundary!
January 28, 2011
TBS Giveaway: The Coffee Edition
I'm an 'all or nothing' kind of girl, I tell ya. No middle of the road. No gray area. When I tell you that I am obsessed (yes...obsessed) with coffee, it is surely an understatement. I've had the same coffeemaker for nearly five years now...nothing fancy. In fact, I think I bought it from Target and paid less than $40. Here is where I should opine about getting what you pay for. trusty coffeemaker died a very painful death a few weeks ago. I set up a pot to brew, walked away to do some other things (as I had in the past) and I returned to a counter filled with brown water and coffee grounds. *sigh* A mess! Surely, I'd done something wrong so I cleaned up my mess and brewed another pot (I'm an addict that way). Lo and behold, the same thing was about to happen...the spillage.
It was then that I thanked said generic coffeemaker for its service, blessed it and sent it on it's journey to the graveyard of small appliances.
After we returned from the Disney trip, I began a search for a replacement. I've searched hi and lo but have not found the perfect brewing station yet. I've a Keurig that I'm using until I find juuuuuussssttttt the perfect 8 cup machine; after all, I MUST be prepared when I entertain, right? Riiiiigggghhhhttt,
My story tickled my friends over at The Foundary so much that they thought it'd be fun for me to giveaway one of their swanky coffee makers to readers. I'll continue to use my Keurig while one of you enjoys the Jura Capresso CoffeeTEAM TS Coffee Maker Burr Grinder Combo (Retail value: $284.99). Sponsors at lavish!, The Foundary offers affordable home décor products and providing a platform for emerging home décor designers as well as trusted brands. LOVE them.
Here are the features of the coffee maker (I'm SO jealous...):
- 10-cup stainless steel thermal carafe
- Programmable clock timer, coffee grinder, brew amounts, and coffee strength
- Drip-Stop and Stop-and-Serve functions
- Easy-to-read illuminated LCD display
- Built-in conical burr grinder preserves aroma
- Use with or without grinder
- Included GoldTone filter eliminates need for paper filters
- Charcoal water filter purifies tap water
And the rules:
- Leave a comment below telling me how you take your coffee
- Tweet: "I just entered @brokesocialite's #TBSGiveaway from @The_Foundary:" - 1 entry
- All entries must be received by January 30 at 11:59 PM EST
- The winner of the random drawing will be announced on The Broke Socialite's February 1, 2011 blog post.
- Maxiumum entries per person is 2. You may not enter by any method above more than once.
Have fun!
January 27, 2011
January 25, 2011
The Gatekeepers Are Gone
I get lots of questions about how I've been able to build The Broke Socialite brand. While I am always eager to help, my schedule simply does not allow me to take the time for all of the one-off conversations that I'd like to have. In the past, I've done Empire Building 101 virtual courses which is a case study of the steps that I have taken to create a viable business model with the investment of $0 and a lot of sweat equity. As soon as I can, I will resume the courses. What I will say is that your destiny is your own to create; especially in the realm of social media. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: there are no rules...mostly. Now is a great time to reinvent yourself, create your own brand and fulfill your vision.
My friend, Lamar Tyler, has created a web series called "The Gatekeepers Are Gone" and he speaks truth. I encourage you to subscribe, reflect on your vision and determine what you're willing to do (or do more of) to be more successful. If a country girl like me can do it, so can you! Enjoy!
January 24, 2011
Modern Manners Monday: What Would YOU Do?
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I was so sorry to leave you hanging with the Disney Dream details last week but our internet availability on the ship was sort of sketchy. Do stay tuned for more updates this week.
This week's MMM comes from my email box.
Dear TBS:
I have dished out a couple of gifts over the past few weeks and I've noticed the lack of formal 'Thank You' notes from the recipients. In each case, I've gotten an email expressing their appreciation. Is this the "new" normal? Is it acceptable? When is it appropriate to send an email versus a formal thank you not via traditional mail? Does the value of the gift make a difference? Big gift = a card? Smaller gift = an email?
I've been known NOT to know every step or shift in etiquette expectations. Will your readers help?
What would YOU do?
January 19, 2011
January 18, 2011
....I officially break up with any amongst us who knew about the blog, COCOCOZY, and did not think enough of me to share the bounty.
Color me obsessed!
I have no idea who this girl is but I LOVE her. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I love's no secret. I'm not good at it but it's just one of those things that I enjoy from the margins. The design blogger world? Monsterous. So many talented folks with such vision...I'm always so inspired. I lurk, I admire. Their blogs feed me.
When my friend Kalyn mentioned COCOCOZY, I could not believe I had not heard of it before. I then began peeling back the layers *faints* *resuscitates* The colors, the patterns, the texture, the brilliance. As it turns out, a line of home goods are forthcoming, too! From a blogger...
I'm looking to add patterned fabric to some lamp shades that I purchased last fall and I got sooooo many ideas from reading this blog alone. When we return from our Disney Cruise, I am alllllllll over recruiting Erica (she doesn't know it yet...ha!) to give me a crash course in covering shades. Hey! We should do a video, right?
Do you have any favorite design blogs? Share, share?
January 17, 2011
Modern Manners Monday: What Would YOU Do?
A pretty good friend (let's just pretend her name is Naomi Campbell...ha!) is hosting a charity event. In addition to a gala, the other component of the charity event includes a fashion show. Because you believe in the cause and want to support your friend, you throw in your support financially and as a volunteer runway model.
When you show up for the fitting for the fashion show, the collection is not what you imagined and not particularly anything that you would wear. The construction and quality of the pieces are horrible...and that is a gracious description. You begin to realize that you'll be photographed in and likely attached with this sartorial ineptitude into perpetuity.
The fashion show is THREE days away. You want out.
What would YOU do?
January 11, 2011
T-7 And Counting...Disney Dream Cruise
In exactly ONE week, Mr TBS and I will be headed to Florida to hop aboard a special cruise on the brand new Disney Dream! We are suffering from quite the cabin fever right now as a snow and ice storm has paralyzed Atlanta for the past few days.
We will arrive in Orlando next Tuesday afternoon and set sail on a 3-Day cruise to The Bahamas. The wonderful Disney Cruise Lines team have lots of surprises in store for us. Mr TBS and I can not WAIT to share our experience from the perspective of empty nesters who enjoy all things Disney.
As soon as this snow/ice melts, I'm off to beautify and exchange my boots for sandals and my wool coats for sundresses....if only for a few days.
Have YOU cruised before? What have been your favorite excursions?
January 10, 2011
Modern Manners Monday: What Would YOU Do? - The Winter Weather Edition
Predictions of a winter storm including nearly a foot of snow have been on the horizon for nearly a week now. The day of reckoning has arrived and the meteorologists were right: nearly 3 feet of snow have arrived. Since the temperature is below freezing, there are concerns about ice. Your local municipality and your state's Department of Transportation have warned that the roads are considered treacherous and have warned everyone who have non-emergency travel aspiration to stay at home.
In your mind that says "SNOW DAY"! It'll be great to stay home, make a snow man, hang by the fireplace, eat comfort food and sip hot chocolate.
You begin checking your Blackberry the night of the storm. Around 3 AM, the conditions have worsened per your local weatherman. Before you snuggle back in your bed, you see that your curmudgeon of a boss has sent out a email which reads "We are aware of the looming weather. We, however, have clients to serve. Our clients are scattered all over the globe and their expectation is that we be available if they call. Everyone is expected in the office at 8 AM. Those who do not show are subject to disciplinary action which could include termination."
What would YOU do?
January 6, 2011
TBS Vlogs - Week One, Day 2
Whats In YOUR Bag?
Today's Video Mentions:
Coach -
Madison Collection
Style By Kalyn Johnson
Nyssa Green - The GreenRoom Agency
@NyssaG and @GreenRoomAgency
Laura Mercier Lip Glace' in Babydoll and Bellini
Ray Ban Cats
NARS Blush in Orgasm
January 4, 2011
Baubles, Baubles and More Baubles!
I have a problem, y'all.
*inching a bit closer to you*
I've never met a big, fat, ostentatious, chunky necklace that is affordable (and doesn't look cheap) that I could turn down. The bulkier the better and, in fact, I'd say that fabulous baubles have become a part of my signature look.
For the past few years, I've been trying to find a way to organize them that: 1. I personally liked and 2. was not a "lady" or "evening gown" (you've seen these, I'm sure...HATE them). I stumbled upon these simple yet utilitarian jewelry trees at Marshall's. Can you believe they were on clearance? I was able to grab them both for less than $10! The Broke Socialite is back, y'all! I did spin on my heels to check for the Candid Camera/Punk'd crew. I even had one of the associates scan them to cut down any embarrassment that I might experience when I got to the cash wrap.
I'd grown so tired of tripping over the necklaces in my jewelry box
How do YOU organize and store your fun jewelry? Any creative tips to share? What about earrings, rings and bracelets?
January 3, 2011
The Broke Socialite Vlogs...2011
Resources from today's vlog:
Atlanta Weddings by Gail Johnson & Hester Parks of Wedding Soiree
Poor Girl Gourmet by Amy McCoy of Poor Girl Gourmet
Happy New Year!
And a Happy New Year to you all!
Things in The Broke Socialite-ville are moving at the speed of light. There are some changes on the horizon (all good, of course) and I hope that you are looking forward to the bounty that 2011 will bring us all.
On this first business day of 2011, I am spending a bit of time with one of my mentors, James Andrews. One of the things we'll talk about is how I can take your loyalty and marry it with my passion to create a better community for YOU! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it. I'll also spend some virtual time today with my creative design team. Yes...The Broke Socialite will soon receive a facelift. It's high time.
What is at the top of YOUR list to achieve in 2011?
Things in The Broke Socialite-ville are moving at the speed of light. There are some changes on the horizon (all good, of course) and I hope that you are looking forward to the bounty that 2011 will bring us all.
On this first business day of 2011, I am spending a bit of time with one of my mentors, James Andrews. One of the things we'll talk about is how I can take your loyalty and marry it with my passion to create a better community for YOU! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it. I'll also spend some virtual time today with my creative design team. Yes...The Broke Socialite will soon receive a facelift. It's high time.
What is at the top of YOUR list to achieve in 2011?
December 28, 2010
lavish! Spawned A Cool DIY Project
Meet my new BFF, Brian Kelsey, of Kelsey on The House. Brian is a DIY Enthusiast and blogger who has a very cool post-lavish! project up his sleeve. Check it out!
December 27, 2010
Modern Manners Monday: What Would YOU Do?
Dear TBS,
My office hired someone new. My boss liked this new person so much that she didn't test her skills.
It turns out that in spite of six years "experience" in our field, she can do practically nothing, makes a lot of technical mistakes and needs babysitting.
We haven't had pay raises in three years, and we haven't complained, since the economy has been bad, and business, which about crashed three years ago, is only now getting back to pre-crash levels.
When our boss was on vacation, our former bookkeeper came in to do payroll, and left the new person's paycheck in her drawer. When everyone went home that day, I stayed, turned on the coffee maker, and steamed open that pay envelope. When I found out that the new person was making 3k more per year than I am being paid, I wished I didn't know, because it caused me such a rage, for which there was nothing I could do. Basically this new, untested person, hired on the basis of a sweet personality, was given all the raises we've foregone in the last three years and is making more than anybody else here, all of us with at least five years seniority on her.
I feel helpless and hopeless. Can you ask your readers to weigh in on what I should do?
December 22, 2010
To The Side: Root Vegetable Gratin
I don't think I can help but try this dish before the end of the holidays. My dear friend, Rebecca, says that she took a stab at the recipe and it's delicious albeit a little rich.
Photo credit: Williams-Sonoma
Are you trying any new recipes during this holiday weekend? What's on YOUR menu?
December 21, 2010
It WAS lavish!
Mr TBS and I at the lavish! Opening Night Party
Moi in the Smilebooth at the Oh-So-Swanky Rue + HGTV parTAY at lavish!
LaPlates and I partnered for these great commemorative plates, cups, notepads for lavish!
Truth be told, I am still very exhausted from the planning and execution of lavish!, the FIRST lifestyle bloggers' conference ever.
My dear friend, Ginny Branch Stelling, of My Favorite Color Is Shiny said it best: "lavish! is the best thing to happen to Atlanta since EVER!" Ha! Don't you love it? Over 150 lifestyle bloggers converged upon our fair city from as far away as Seattle and New York. Some of our favorites like Anne Sage, Cassie LaValle, Nichelle Stephens, Grace Bonney, Johnica Reed and Brian Patrick Flynn graced us with their presence and REMARKABLE content.
If you followed the Twitter stream over the weekend (and beyond), you'll see that the community rallied behind this event in full force. There is not enough space on these internet waves for me to express the level of thanks and gratitude to all of the sponsors, speakers, attendees and volunteer staff. We'll talk about each of these categories of wonderful people over the course of the next couple of weeks.
I had an opportunity to meet the editor of the first blog that I ever
There have been LEGIONS of blog posts written since everyone returned to their home offices last week. I thought I might share a few. The official pictures will be here in a few days; I can't wait to post them. Until then, enjoy the recaps from the blogs below:
May December
Camille Styles
Professor Diva Diaries
Blu Label Bungalow
Amid Privilege
Reasons and Roses
Alan and Val
Blue Eyed Yonder
Confetti Style
Smilebooth Photos from the Rue + HGTV soiree at lavish!
December 20, 2010
Modern Manners Monday (A Holiday Quandary): What Would YOU Do?
Dear TBS,
I've a quandary for you and your readers.
I'm having a holiday party this week and invited a group of women that all know each other. After my party invite went out, two of the women "fell out" with each other. One of the women emailed me to ask whether she should still come and shared that she didn't want to create tension. What should I do? I don't want to make either of them (or my other guests) uncomfortable, but I can't very well un-invite one of them.
Why Can't We Be Friends
What Would YOU Do?
November 30, 2010
Gone Fishin'....lavish! Style
As many of you may know, I decided to create a conference experience for those of us lifestyle bloggers. This conference, lavish!, has certainly become my baby. I was pregnant with the idea for the longest time and now I am preparing to give birth.
It has been a very long 9 months; sometimes it felt like it would NEVER get here...other times I felt that I wasn't sure of what I'd gotten myself into. Well...the TEN DAY count down begins tomorrow and that's good news.
In order to execute very well, I'll be away from the blog until December 13. Who knew there'd be soooooooo many moving parts? So, readers, I beg your patience and solicit your prayers. I'm grateful for the vision and my support team of other wonderful bloggers, brands, family and friends.
P.S. Don't you LOVE the official conference tee designed by My at Springcart?
See you after lavish!
November 23, 2010
Preparing For The Holidays: The Make-Up Edition
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Emmy-award winning, celebrity makeup artist (and MY girlfriend...I'm so proud), Nyssa Green |
I'm always chatting about my stable of fabulous girlfriends. I never mean to be a braggart but they are all so smart, talented and beautiful.
Enter Nyssa of my dearest friends. You know the type: the girl who's seen you at your WORST and still loves you? Mmmmhmmm....she'd be THAT girl. Nyssa and I met *cough* nearly 15 years ago and it has been amazing to watch her transform from a hobbyist make-up junkie to an agency-owning, Emmy-award winning makeup artist who travels all over the world..ahem..beating down faces.
Nyssa is ALWAYS getting on to me about makeup (or my lack thereof). I just don't like it! I have always been a lipgloss, blush, mascara and I'm good kind of girl and that drives her up a wall. Frankly, I just don't have time for a lot of products. One of these days, I'm going to actually reveal my makeup bag and you'll see how HORRIBLE I really am.
Until then, I wanted to share a series of tutorials that Nyssa pulled together for Southern Living magazine and She covers everything from party makeup tips to constructing an easy (
How are YOU with makeup? What's your regimen? Any favorite products to share?
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