My name is Mrs TBS and I am, amongst varied and sundry other addictions, are a fool for all things Apple.
Albeit in the midst of many kicks and screams, I transitioned from a PC to a MAC a few months back. Hated it. After all, I'd been using a PC for nearly 15 years and, truth be told, TBS does not like change. I already owned a few of the iPod products and was satisfied enough but the notion of learning new functionality was disturbing.
I bitched and moaned to anyone who'd listen then it all miraculously stopped. I found it easier to blog on a MAC and, frankly, I felt a tad more cool. I can't imagine having any other contraption. So, you'll probably find it easy to believe that I've a Pavlovian drool when it comes to the iPad. I don't care about the name or that people make fun of it. iWantIt. Ha!
Do you have a MAC or a PC? Do you prefer one over the other? iPad much?
Yay I had faith that you'd get used to it! Macs rock!
ReplyDeletei have a mac and i LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteI have a pc but I used to use a Mac at work. I loved the ability to be able to between the two.
ReplyDeleteEveryone I know who haa a MAC loves them. I have limited time to learn something new (who does?) but I need an upgrade. When I don't learn the newest thing I feel I am lagging behind.
ReplyDeleteEveryone I know who has a Mac loves 'em. Everyone I know who has a PC b*tches about 'em. So why am I still using a PC???? I gotta do something about that!
ReplyDeleteI'm all Macs, all the time. I want an iPad badlike, but I don't have one yet. I'm waiting for the next generation and to replace my MacBook. I wouldn't bother with a laptop at all, but I need to be able to run Quark and Photoshop.
ReplyDeleteI love my Mac. It is like a child to me. My cousin dropped it the first week i got it and there is a little dent that scratches my arm every time I type with my left arm, AND I DON'T CARE. I blog with it, picture edit with it... I even put it next to the tub when I take a take a bath so I can see it :) I am not kidding.
ReplyDeleteWe are having a Party on April 15th, and I would love for you to come! Please check out my blog for details. :)
I have a PC and a Macbook. I like using them both for different reasons.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to choose it would be a Mac.
I just went and visited the iPad tonight.... I'm in love!!! LOl I'm scheming how to get the $600 bucks- YIKES!!
ReplyDeleteTo answer the question, my entire family converted to MAC last year, we all have the iPod Touch and I'm about to get the iPhone (I think, still thinking about it, but I want it bad). it's a really great product and I highly recommend them.
MAC Baby! I can't even understand what took me so long to convert!
ReplyDeleteI have iMac, iPod (working on second one, since first is now at full capacity), getting an iPhone, will work on iPad later this summer!
I'm a MAC GIRL!!!! I LOVE MY MAC. Hate the PC that I make the kids use lol.
ReplyDeleteI want the IPAD SOOOO bad. Might make it an EXTREMELY early birthday gift lol.
I'm a MAC full time! Love it Love it Love it. Not sure about iPad, but love my computer and Love LOVE my iphone.
ReplyDeleteI am an iSnob! Like you, I was PC all the way until I needed to buy a new laptop. I almost got a Dell, but honestly the "cool" factor made me buy a Mac...I wanted to be down LOL! We have 3 Mac laptops in my house and while we still have a PC desktop, I don't think that we have turned it on in over 18 months. I love my iPod and iPhone too (and I was a die-hard Palm user before buying my iPhone). I want the iPad sooooo bad, but I am trying to be patient and wait until the next generation.
ReplyDeleteI suspect I'll be carrying an iPad Nano (formerly known as the iPod Touch) for quite some time LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm a PC. I've never used a MAC and I'm happy with what I've got. I may be a true case of ignorance being bliss.
ReplyDeleteI bought a second generation Nano and it died after about 18 months. I loved it, but was soooo disappointed with the short life span. I bought a cheapo MP3 player and it has been working for over three years. I haven't been motivated to buy another Apple product.
Hello, my name is Denene Millner and I'm a Mac-aholoic. I own four, and have officially banned PCs from my house. Even my kids won't use them. Hands down, Apple makes THE BEST products on the market for us creative types. Welcome to the bright side!
ReplyDeleteI so want a Mac but just not in my budget right now. Hopefully soon
ReplyDeleteMac Baby!!! I luv luv luv everything apple :)
ReplyDeleteI work for a PC company, and LOVE MY NEW iPAD WITH ALL MY HEART!!! It's a must have - I've been taking it everywhere with me. Go get thee one!
ReplyDeletemy pc died ... and i begged for a macbook . I am totally team mac . MACBOOK MACBOOK MACBOOK !!!!!! I want the ipad with 3g , and I am trying to be patient and wait til next year ... Idk if its gonna happen though