I don't think everyone have met my darling friend, Bridgette S. As soon as we met, I loved her!
First of all, she's absolutely gorgeous and never meets a stranger. Secondly, she's a "tell it like it is" kind of girl---love it. I'm not fond of "Yes Wo/Men" and "B" (as I affectionately call her) shoots it straight, no chaser.
For the past several months, she's been shopping for a signature gold ring. I, of course, agreed to keep my eyes peeled for her. Neither of us was ever able to stumble upon the right piece: 'twas definitely Goldilocks-ish: the rings were either too small, too shiny, had a stone that we didn't like, yada, yada, yada.
As fate would have it, I ran across this ring at Nordie's and thought about Bridgette but was SURE she'd settled for another one. So what did I do? What a good girlfriend would not: I bought it for myself in brushed silver (insert semi-shame). "B" was having none of it and immediately dispatched me for its brushed gold bretheren.
It's huge, chunky and just perfect. I was able to swing it for less than $25 dollars (1/2 off the original price and tax included) and made my dear "B" very happy. That smile was worth a million bucks

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