Parking is nearly impossible at your local shopping center. Not much you can do about it.
One afternoon, you head over to the grocery store in said retail row and notice a driver that has a spot close to the entrance who is about to leave. You circle around the parking lot, put on your blinker to indicate that you'll turn left when the spot is vacant and wait patiently.
Another driver is entering from the opposite side and proceeds to whip into the spot you've been waiting for.
What would YOU do?
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ReplyDelete[Previous post deleted because I saw a typo after I posted!] Given that bashing the other driver with my car is financially damaging, regardless of insurance; and that whapping him with a 2x4 could prove dangerous to me; and that in any case violence really isn't good manners, is certainly not warranted for a parking space however coveted, and is expensive to boot after you pay all the court costs :P I would shrug, cast a mildly dirty look, decide that the driver must have *really* needed to use the restroom, and park further away. The walk is good for both my avoirdupois and my temper!
ReplyDeleteIts really bad karma for the other driver. Sorry this happened, happens to me all the time.
ReplyDeleteThis very thing happened to me at work last week!! I was so frustrated and angry - mainly because the other driver never looked my way or acknowledged what he had done. That's what irked me the most. But being the too nice a girl that I am, I went and found another spot in the farther lot. Annoying nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteWhat I would do is mutter a very unladylike curse word and go on with my day knowing that kharma will get them in the end. What I would like to do is more then likely to violent for people who don't know me well to describe.
ReplyDeleteThis is a tough one. While I want to remain calm, it would take a lot of effort not to lose my cool. Let's hope that what goes around comes around!
ReplyDeleteI have these nifty little post its that say "you fail" and you get to check off all the reasons why....so as I was walking my plump glutes past the offending car I would leave it on the window and gloat for five minutes...
ReplyDeleteof course sometimes it's just as good to think that the other person probably wasn't trying to be a butt head and just cut them some slack and feel good about myself for not being a butt head back.
Curse to myself and drive on.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of a Fried Green Tomatoes moment. I actually build myself up whilst tearing the offender down by making up a multitude of reasons why they must need a closer parking place more than me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with LPC, after cursing to myself and probably looking like a darn fool in in the process, I would find another spot.
ReplyDeleteI yell Tawanda! Then go find another parking space. They are not worth the mess. I figure they get theirs in the end. LOL
ReplyDeleteFind another spot and think about the exercise I am getting and how much healthier it is NOT to let these types of people get under my skin.
ReplyDeleteGo find another spot.
ReplyDeleteHa! I remember this happening to me about a year ago. This guy thought because his car was fancier than mine, that he could play me out! I had waited for a parking spot a long time,when this dude just whipped into the spot,while I was trying to back up in to the same spot.
ReplyDeleteI parked my car right in front of his car and put my car in park! I jumped out and said a couple of words that I won't repeat. He had this smirk on his face like whatever as he proceeded to lock his door. I said to him, "As soon as you walk your behind in that mall don't be surprised if you see a few scratchings" as I dangled my keys! He got back in his car and sped off!
Normally I wouldnt have never done that but he made me so mad with that damn smirk on his face. lol
I never sweat the parking stealing. Not worth it in the long run. I admit I do say a few choice words regarding the rudeness of the other driver. However, I try to practice the saying "you will not steal my joy!"
ReplyDeleteI had this happen to me. The lady was actually in front of me and was initially going to another spot and proceeded to back up, so of course you don't want to get hit. I got of the car and knocked on her window and was like what are you doing. She wouldn't look over because she was full of BS. :) I saw her in the store and told her how rude she was.