October 15, 2009

Cloudy Stemware? TBS Helps!

The things that rumble around in this head of mine never cease to amaze me.  I got a query from my dear friend, Ask Wifey, a few days ago that made me realize that, of all things, cloudy stemware could be an epidemic.

Since the holidays are nearly upon us, now is the time to begin to prep your china, silver and glassware.

Read Ms Challenged Glassware's quandary here.

Any china/silver/glassware cleaning tips you'd like to share?


  1. We switched from powder to liquid Cascade and we now have crystal clear glasses.

  2. If the stemware is crystal...no dishwasher. Period. My mother taught me that which is why there is always stemware on my counter waiting to be washed by hand. LOL!

  3. The Cascade gel cubes also work wonders!

  4. Hey there:) I saw a picture of you @joanofalltrades and ooooh you look Professionally Fabulous on that panel:) I missed going I'm going to do better next year!


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