February 12, 2009

Ka-CHING! TBS Saves Big At The Grocery Store

One of my least favorite things to do in the world is shopping. No..not THAT type of shopping. I absolutely loathe grocery shopping. Since my family needs sustenance to survive, I finally went last night after putting off the chore for days. We had gotten down to, like, broccoli and tomato paste.

I spent a bit of time clipping coupons a couple of Sundays ago and struck out to the market after work. Well, the clipping and schleping up and down the aisles was worth it! I saved $23.60! Imagine that!
I was so proud! I popped out with my fab grocery totes and an extra pep in my step. I've now decided to do more coupon clipping and organizing. I look forward to sharing on-line resources here soon.
When was the last time you used a coupon? What'd you buy?


  1. I love coupons as well. Last night I was soooo disappointed. I received a $8 off $50 coupon for my favorite supermarket and I lost it! Went inside the store...no coupon...went back to the car NO COUPON :-( So I did what any prudent person would do. I refused to spend $50 to make myself feel better :-/ If I locate it by this evening I can salvage this catastrophe before it expires :-/

  2. Oh yeah...I need those shopper bags in my life!

  3. I have some kashi coupons I can't wait to use. I hate grocery shopping as well and would have them delivered if it were available here.

  4. I LOVE couponing!! My goal when I shop is to save at least 50% on that trip. I pair the coupons w/ the items on sale to maximize my dollar. I have it so bad that I made myself a coupon binder to keep of w/ them! In it, I keep a calculator, pen and paper. I once read an article that if a person used coupons on at least ten items they buy on a regualr basis, they could save up to $200.00 a year. For me it works and I can definitely see the savings. DH is very happy about that.There some sites out there you can pay a fee and THEY will tell you the best time to use the coupon. I don't use those services, but I do rely on couponmom.com when doing my shopping for the week. She's already done the work for you and it's FREE!


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